
50 Interesting Facts About Google

50 Interesting Facts About Google
  • Google was originally called "Backrub".
  • Google is the world's most visited website.
  • Google do not hire employees  based on GPA's and test scores. they have teams where 14% of their employees do not have any degree
  • In 1999, the founders of Google actually tried to sell it to Excite for just US$1 million which they turned down.
  • The first Google Doodle was inspired from the Burning Man festival attended by Google founders in 1998.
  • If you search for "askew" in Google, the search result will tilt slightly to the right.
  • When a Google employee dies, their wife receive 50% pay from the company for 10 years and their kids US$1,000 per month until they turn adult.
  • Google plan to scan all known existing 129 million unique books before 2020.
  • Every day, 16% of the searches that take place are ones that Google has never seen before.
  • Google hired a camel to generate the Street View of a desert.
  • The "I'm feeling lucky" button costs Google US$110 million per year, as it avoid all ads.
  • Google make US$20 billion a year from just advertising.
  • Every minute,2 million searches are carry out on Google.
  • Because Gmail first launched on April 1st of 2004, people thought it was an April Fools' Day prank.
  • Firefox web browser's developer  is now working for Google Chrome.
  • Google's first tweet ever was "I'm feeling lucky" written in binary code.
  • Google's first computer storage made from LEGO.
  • Google is developing a computer so smart it can program itself.
  • For the 4th consecutive year, Google was named the best company to work for in the U.S. by Fortune Mag in 2014
  • Google got its name by accident. The founders misspelled "googol", which refers to the number 1 followed by 100 zeroes.
  • Google prefers dogs to cats. Their official code of conduct specifically states they are a dog company.
  • On August 16, 2013, Google went down for 5 minutes and in that time, the global Internet traffic dropped by 40%.
  • Google has a version of their site translated into the language of the Klingons, from Star Trek
  • Google has been acquiring 2 companies per month since 2010.
  • The domain is owned by Google.
  • A single Google search requires more computing power than it took to send Apollo 11 to the Moon.
  • Google is offering US$20 million to any private team that can land on the moon by New Year's Eve of 2016.
  • Google Maps calculates traffic by tracking how fast Android devices are moving on the road.
  • If you search for "atari breakout" in Google Images, you can play the game.
  • offers visible imagery view, infrared and elevation views of the planet Mars.
  • is a little known free service to plan your wedding.
  • The total size of Google Earth's database is over 20 Petabytes.
  • In 2013, Google founded Calico, an anti-aging company designed to ultimately "cure" death
  • When Gmail was introduced by Google with an unbelievable 1GB free storage in 2004, Hotmail only offered 2MB.
  • Google Translate generates its answers by trawling through decades of comparative human translated works, such as UN documents and Harry Potter novels.
  • The Versace dress Jennifer Lopez wore to the 2000 Grammy Awards sparked the creation of Google Images.
  • In 2014, about 89% of Google's US$66 billion in revenue came from advertising.
  • Google takes over 200 factors into account to deliver the best results for any query in a fraction of a second.
  • Steve Jobs once called Google to tell them the yellow gradient in the second "O" of their logo wasn't quite right.
  • Iran's largest airport had a Star of David embedded into its roof for 30 years until it was found through Google Earth.
  • Google Sky Maps let you view stars, constellations, galaxies and planets. Check out
  • Google HQ rents goats from California Grazing to mow their lawns and fields. The employees think that it’s a lot cuter to watch goats do the mowing than lawn mowers. Mowing with Goats
  • The company buys a bunch of domains that are common misspellings of Google, like,,, and more. Google also owns, too

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