
Omg! The Cute Pregnancy Announcement Video Ever!

Fresh Pregnancy Announcement Video

There are many pregnancy announcement videos on internet but  Happy Valley, Oregon couple - Melissa and Jesse Meeks - announced pregnancy with cute and out of the box video.

They rapped the tune of Will Smiths famous theme song from "the Fresh Prince of Bel Air" which has more than 1.6 million views since it was uploaded on Youtube on Apr 5, 2015.


Sample Lyrics : "In Happy Valley, Oregon, living and wed, bought our first house and started to build our homestead…I woke up in the morning about 7 or 8, and I thought to myself, ‘Oh man, I’m late!’ Looked at my test stick, it was finally there: a little plus sign. We’re now three, not a pair!”

The Meeks told FOX 12 that they want to film another video to announce the baby’s gender.