
Facts About Possibly Scariest - The Ai Pioppi Playground

  • The Ai Pioppi started out as a restaurant in 1969 but over the 40 years expanded it into giant, human-powered, kinetic-art-theme park in Italy.
Ai Pioppi playground - Amusement Park 
  • This amusement park is located in the mountains outside Venice, Italy.
  • It is built by one man named Bruno, owner and proprietor of Ai Pioppi restaurant and playground.
  • It consits of a roller coaster, swinging rides, spinning rides and more. It is hand powered ride.
  • The amusement park at Ai Pioppi is free for anyone who eats at the restaurant. 

Ai Pioppi playground
 Watch Heart-breaking video traveler Tom Scott on Ai Pioppi Playground